The Planetary Uncanny: More-Than-Human Entanglements and the Planetary Health Humanities, Research colloquium, Rachel Carson Center, University of Munich, January 28 (with Dr. Davina Höll)
RECENT TALKS (2020-2024)
AI for Good in a nonhuman context: Setting priorities for animal-friendly AI, Seminar series, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Cambridge University, October 2024
Opium for the Earth at the expense of nonhuman animals? Geoengineering and interspecies justice, Geoengineering in Crisis: The Princeton Workshop on Geoengineering Ethics and Governance, Princeton University, September 2024
Sustainable AI and nonhuman animals, Environmental Philosophy Summer School, Monastry Hejnice, June 2024
Normative Foundations of Sustainability, Environmental Philosophy Summer School, Monastry Hejnice, June 2024
Overcoming Speciesist Biases: Using AI to foster Interspecies Justice, Workshop „Animals in Political Decision Making“, University of Lausanne, May 2024
Invasiveness and Patriarchy: Broadening Conservation Ethics, Environmental Philosophy Summer School, Online, May 2024
Veterinary AI – Ethische Aspekte Künstlicher Intelligenz für die Tiergesundheit (Veterinary AI – Ethics of artificial intelligence for animal health), University of Gießen, December 2023
Speciesist bias in AI: How AI applications perpetuate discrimination and unfair outcomes against animals, with Thilo Hagendorff, Conference „Artifical Intelligence, Conscious Machines, and Animals: Broadening AI Ethics“, Princeton University, October 2023
AI, Animals and Archae: AI’s Impact on the Nonhuman World in the Context of Sustainable AI, Keynote at the workshop „Can Technology Save the Planet? Connecting Environmental Ethics with Technology Ethics“, University of Prague, September 2023
Von Menschen, Minken und Mikroben: Zur Notwendigkeit einer nicht-anthropozentrischen Perspektive (Of men, minks, and microbes: On the need for a non-anthropocentric perspective), Podiumsdiskussion „Pandemien verhindern! Müssen wir unser Verhältnis zu Tieren und Umwelt neu denken?“, LMU Munich, July 2023
Sustainable AI, Wissenschaftskongress „Der Mensch im Fokus der Digitalisierung“, Frauenfeld (Switzerland), June 2023
Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse im Spannungsfeld sozio-ökologischer Krisen (Human-animal-relations in times of socio-ecological crises), Institut für Theatrale Zukunftsforschung, Zimmertheater Tübingen, May 2023
Andere Tiere im Anthropozän (Other animals in the anthropocence), Ringvorlesung Anthropozän, University of Passau, May 2023
AI and Animals – New developments and their ethical challenges, Basel Animal Ethics Research Colloquium, University of Basel, April 2023
Animals and Sustainable Development – An integrative approach and what follows for animal-friendly energy systems, Environmental Humanities Research Colloquium, University of Fribourg, April 2023
Engaging sustainability from a non-anthropocentric perspective: including animals in a theory of Sustainable Development, Engaging Sustainability Workshop, University of Tübingen, March 2023
Ethische Herausforderungen der Anwendung von KI-Technologien auf Tiere (Ethical challenges of applying AI technologies on animals), Technical University of Berlin, February 2023
Eine tierethische Perspektive auf Ungleichheit und deren globale Auswirkungen (An animal ethics perspective on global injustice), Ringvorlesung Globale Ungleichheit, January 2022, University of Vienna, Online
Gemeinsame Zukunft für Mensch und Tier. Nachhaltige Entwicklung tierethisch gedacht (Common future for humans and animals. Sustainable Development from an animal ethical perspective) Ringvorlesung Animate Theologies, December 2021, TU Dortmund / TU Dresden, Online
Unsere gemeinsame Zukunft – Zur Rolle des Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisses in der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Our common future. Human-animal relations in Sustainable Development) Ringvorlesung Der Gründe Faden – Ein integrierter Blick auf Nachhaltigkeit, November 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin, Online
Wie wollen wir leben? Respektvoll? Einführung in die Tierethik (How do we want to live? Respectful towards other animals? Introducing animal ethics) Presentation at the theme evening of the Protestant student congregation, November 2020, Tübingen
Ethische Herausforderungen für KI aus Perspektive der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Ethical challenges for AI from a sustainable development perspective) Research Colloquium of the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tübingen, April 2021, Online
The Limits of Imagination in the Light of Microbe, Nonhuman Animal, and Human Entanglements, with Davina Höll, Conference „At the Limits of Imagination: Otherness in Humans & Nonhuman Animals“, University of Vienna, September 2024
Dr. Doolittle Uses AI: Should We Try to Speak Whale?, with Mark Ryan, Workshop „Animal ethics and AI ethics: how do they intersect?“, University of Montréal, May 2024
Large Language Models, Search Engine Ranking, and Justice for Animals, with Angela Martin, Workshop „Animal ethics and AI ethics: how do they intersect?“, University of Montréal, May 2024
Other Animals in the Anthropocene: The Normativity of Human-Animal Relations in Socio-Ecological Crises, International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science, University of Birmingham, April 2024
Speciecist bias in AI – How AI applications perpetuate discrimination and unfair outcomes against animals, with Thilo Hagendorff, Sustainable AI Conference 2023, University of Bonn, June 2023
Wild animal suffering and genetic engineering – an ethical assessment, Workshop Animals, Compassion & Conservation, University of Fribourg, February 2023, Online
Reasons for Valuing Microbes: Introducing a Microbial Ethics, World Biodiversity Forum, June 2022, Davos, with Davina Höll
Our common future – Integrating Animal Individuals into Sustainability Discourse and Practice, Sustainability and Development Conference, University of Michigan, January 2022, Online
Über Gerechtigkeit, Gutes Leben und Grauhörnchen: Die Inklusion von Tieren in den Nachhaltigkeits-Diskurs und ihre Bedeutung für die Bioökonomie (On justice, the good life and grey squirrels: The inclusion of animals in the sustainability discourse and its relevance for the bioeconomy) Tagung für Praktische Philosophie, October 2021, University of Salzburg, Salzburg
Microbes, Mankind, Multispecies Beings: Valuing microbes for what they are and what they do, Summer Meeting of the International Society for Environmental Ethics, July 2021, University of Turku, Online
Animals for AI – AI for Animals, 7th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies, June 2021, Edge Hill University, Online
Bridging the Gap: Taking Microbes Morally into Account – An Axiological Analysis of Valuing Microbes, Multispecies Heritage Conference, Edge Hill University, November 2020, Online, with Davina Höll
Global Crises and Human-Nature-Entanglements, Millenium Conference, October 2020, Online, with Lena Schlegel